Project Overview
This project gutted and renovated a three-story, pre-World War I, traditional secondary school. Classroom wings were rebuilt with fewer, larger rooms. The rooms are grouped into five team areas and include room to accommodate a future move of the sixth grade into the school.
The library and cafeteria were enlarged by annexing adjacent corridors. This also reduced amount of difficult-to-supervise circulation areas. Finishes and colors were chosen to create a vibrant and interesting quality to the interior spaces. An elevator was added, as well as stairs and student toilets at each team area. Three music rooms were added in a ground-floor addition, along with a new student entrance to improve supervision before and after school.
The building additions respond to urban issues. A bronze statue of Ernie Davis (a local student who received the Heisman Trophy) was relocated to occupy the prominent wedge-shaped area to the north of the school. A 10-base T network was installed throughout the building with a fiber-optic backbone and six computers in each classroom.